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Hong Kong Sea Slugs data collection

Personal information

The "Finding Sea Slugs!" project, funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund, is coordinated by a research team at the Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Lab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is a citizen scientist program which aims to harness the power of the general public to collect data on sea slug species recorded in Hong Kong waters, in order to update our sea slug species checklist and online database. The project is expected to last for one and a half years until mid-2025.


Through collecting sea slugs observation record from the public, we hope to analyze and conform the common sea slug species and their distribution hotspots in Hong Kong. We would then make use of these data to create an online sea slug photo database for the public to look up for the information of these animals and their identities. By submitting your observation data and photos of sea slugs in Hong Kong waters on this page, you can contribute to the sea slug research in Hong Kong! Observation records are not limited to any specific year, you might submit past records.


The data collected through this project will only be used in aggregate form for display, reporting, and publications. No personally identifiable information will be shared with any other organization or group. Please refer to the data privacy statement below the questionnaire.

Observation details

* Mandatory

Sea slug(s) encountered

Please choose the sea slug(s) you encountered and their quantities in the particular dive (If you are unsure of the identification, please check "Others").

  • Multiple choice

Unidentia aliciae

  • Multiple choice

Polycera sp.

Phyllidia ocellata

  • Multiple choice

Phidiana militaris

  • Multiple choice

Kaloplocamus acutus

  • Multiple choice

Hypselodoris festiva

  • Multiple choice

Gymnodoris inornata

  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice

Gymnodoris alba

  • Multiple choice

Goniobranchus tumuliferus

  • Multiple choice

Goniobranchus sinensis

  • Multiple choice

Elysia obtusa

  • Multiple choice

Diaphorodoris sp. 2

  • Multiple choice

Diaphorodoris sp. 1

  • Multiple choice

Dendrodoris arborescens

Dermatobranchus sp. 2

  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice

Dermatobranchus sp. 1

  • Multiple choice

Chromodoris orientalis

Ceratodoris hiroi 

  • Multiple choice

Bermudella japonica

  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice

Aplysia nigrocincta

Photo credits: Fu Ka Wing

(You can only upload one photo for each item below. If you wish to submit more than six photos, you might email them to, stating your name, the date, the number of sea slugs observed, the location, and the depth of observation. If you want to inquire about the identifications of the sea slugs, you can also upload the photos below and label the file name as "ID needed". We will email you a reply.)


  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice
  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice
  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice
  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice
  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice
  • Please select the number observed and what the sea slug is attached to.

    • Multiple choice

Data Usage Policy and Privacy Statement

  • All photos and personal data collected in this project will be used solely for research and educational purposes of the Hong Kong sea slug project and will not be used for any other commercial or non-commercial purposes. The collected data and photos will be used for presentation, online database updates, reports, and publications. They will be also be submitted to the Environmental and Conservation Fund (ECF) and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) for use. Photographers' names will be credited if their photos are used. Personal information (such as contact details) will only be used to further communicate with you for verifying photo content or providing relevant information. Without your consent, the project will not sell, exchange, or share your photos and personal data with any other organizations or groups, except ECF and AFCD.

  • The retention period for personal data will not exceed the actual time required to achieve the objectives of the project.

  • The project will take reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect the security of the photos and personal data you submit. These measures aim to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, disclosure, or alteration. The platform will utilize its data security features to encrypt and protect your data, including using secure transmission protocols such as SSL/TLS to encrypt the transmission of sensitive information and implementing security controls for storing data. Only authorized personnel involved in the project will have access to and process this data. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your photos and personal data.

  • You have the right to request the project to correct, modify, or delete the photos and personal data you have provided, and the project will handle it in accordance with legal requirements.

Submit mean, you have read the “Data Usage Guidelines and Privacy Policy Statement”, understood, and agreed to abide by the aforementioned data usage provisions.

Contact us

If you have any comments or inquiries regarding this project, please leave a message below. If it involves species identification issues, please upload data and photos in the questionnaire above, and we will email you a response.

We will reply your comments or inquiries as soon as possible.

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